Monday 4 November 2013

Country people contents analysis

The colours, layout and font make up a highly neutral and unpretentious contents page. Country People have chosen to display actual copies of various pages rather than enticing the reader with a bold teaser image, which suggests once again that their audience are dedicated and interested without the aid of persuasion. This is also evident in Country People's front cover. The sub sections contemplate only country music - the magazine lacks a range of topics such as fashion, technology etc that other genres of music magazine have to offer. Although they seem to provide regular reviews of assorted formats, this reinforces the idea of a serious target audience. Unlike many other magazines Country People have used barely any literary techniques to compel their readers - no alliteration, rhyme, humour etc. At one point their use of the ellipsis is fairly striking: 'went on to produce... write... make movies... he did it all.' In this case it has been used in order to exaggerate Jack Clements achievements and portray him as an aspirational character. To conclude the appearance of this particular contents page is honestly dull yet it has an air of clear sophistication due to it's moderate and relaxed nature.

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