Friday 6 December 2013


1) What gender are you?
Male -
Female -

2) How old are you?
11 - 15 -
16 - 19 -
20 - 25 -
26 - 40 -
40 + -

3) How often would you say you read music magazines?
Once a week -
Once a fortnight -
Once a month -
Once or twice a year -
Never -

4) If you were to read a music magazine what genre would be your choice?
Dance/electronic -
Pop -
R&B -
Hip hop/rap -
Indie/alternative -
Rock/metal -
Classical -
Other -

5) What is the most you would be willing to spend on a music magazine?
Less than £1 -
£1 - £2 -
£3 - £4 -
£5 or more -

6) What colour scheme would appeal the most to you?
Bright, neon colours -
Light, pastel colours -
Dark colours, with one bright colour -
Nautical colours -
Neutral colours -

7) How many cover lines do you think would be suitable on the front cover of a music magazine?
1 - 3 -
4 - 6 -
7 - 10 -
10 or more -

8) How many images do you think should be included in a double page spread?
Only 1 -
Several -
4 - 6 -
More -

9) What ratio of text to image would you prefer on a double page spread?
Mainly text -
An equal amount of text and image -
Mainly images -

10) What would you prefer to be the main subject of the double page spread?
Interview with the featured artist -
Gossip -
A review -
Competition/giveaway -
Other -

The results provided by the people who have answered my questionnaire will be very useful and give me an idea of how to attract a particular audience. Having a solid knowledge of what is appealing and the most popular among the people who carried out my survey should enable me to get an impression of how to sell the most music magazines as possible.

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