Thursday 30 January 2014

DPS written article

Rebecca Horton recently stole the limelight with her new single 'Strangers again', which shot straight to number 1 in the charts. She managed to come ahead of highly successful  artists such as Ellie Goulding, Beyonce and even the recently ground breaking Martin Garrix. Raised in Kensington, London, Horton took interest in music at a young age - at the time when she began secondary school where she was determined to learn the acoustic guitar and piano. She was a natural and was even motivated to take vocal lessons eventually leading to her singing in the school band. At only age 18, she was recognised by music producer Oscar Floyd due to her song writing abilities, bold vocals and cool sound. In the past she has even collaborated with The Black Keys; to top everything off her upcoming album release is sparking up excitement from fans already - a harmonious combination of upbeat indie rock and smooth, calm solos. VIBES finally gets the chance to have an intimate chat with the talented songstress herself where she admits her hopes, fears, ambitions and reveals her musical vision for 2014.

Big congratulations on your new single reaching number 1 and VIBES naming you best artist of 2014! How does it feel to suddenly get so much attention in the media?
Thanks so much that means a lot! It's scary but at the same time incredible, nothing feels real at the moment. It's great to finally be recognised as a serious professional artist which is what I've been working towards for quite a long time now. The only downfall is the lack of privacy, I've had some pretty scary experiences with the paparazzi but I won't go in to detail.

 You're releasing your debut album 'The force' in less than a month, what can everyone expect from this album? 
Most of the songs are centred around the highs and lows I felt when I was in a relationship with this guy, we're not together any more but I miss him every day and this album captures  my emotions perfectly.  I would say it's a mix of heartfelt ballads and feel good songs with a catchy beat, um yeah I think thats an accurate description. The music mostly has a positive energy however there are some pretty dark tracks on there as well. As you know I've collaborated with the Black Keys in the past so they've definitely influenced my work in a way.

What was your experience like working in the studio every day while producing the album?
Exhausting! It was great to experience working in a professional studio and I met some lovely people but it really took its toll. I was literally in there 24/7.

Any other plans in 2014? Any surprises in store?
I definitely have a lot of exciting stuff coming up in 2014, but that's a secret shhh. I should warn you though, it's definitely pushing the boundaries in terms of what I'm used to producing musically. I think it's essential to go out of your comfort zone though - especially in such a competitive industry and as a creative individual too.

Who has inspired you or influenced your music? What are your current listening favourites?
 Uh, I've been inspired by many people, I guess if I had to list every single person who has influenced my music choices I would be here all day! I really look up to Lana Del Rey and she's definitely one of the top played artists on my iPod. I find her music so original and I can listen to Born to Die and it just never gets old. I think that's the cornerstone of a true artist - someone who can create music that people want to consistently revisit. I aim to be like that some day, who knows, it's gonna be a new year and I feel as though 2014 is already off to a cracking start.

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